Class Schedule
Classes offered | Hours |
Mon – Fri | 8:30 am – 12:30 pm |
Optional Picnic Pals | 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm |
Tuition Info 2025-2026
Payment plan | Days per week | Amount Due |
Ten pay plan due Aug 1 – May 1 | 5 Days | 465 |
Late Enrollment, per month | 5 Days | 515 |
Semi-annual due Aug 1 and Jan 1 | 5 Days | 2,300 |
Annual due Aug 1 | 5 Days | 4,600 |
Picnic PAL Fee Info
One Day per Week | Two Days | Three Days | Four Days | Five Days | |
FOURS | |||||
Monthly (Aug-May) | 40 | 80 | 120 | 160 | 200 |
Late Enrollment, per month | 45 | 90 | 135 | 180 | 225 |
Semi-Annual | 200 | 400 | 600 | 800 | 1,000 |
Annual | 400 | 800 | 1,200 | 1,600 | 2,000 |
Drop-in Rate | 20/day | ||||
Click here for detailed tuition information
Curriculum and Activities
This program prepares children for Kindergarten. Children are taught needed skills through content-theme based units. The units take into consideration the children’s interests and help them to acquire knowledge through exploring a variety of activities including reading, writing, cooking, dramatic play, books, art, singing, dancing, playing inside and outside, manipulatives, nature walks, gardening and more.
Social and emotional skills
- Acceptance and response to teacher’s authority and following classroom rules and routines
- Shows respect and concern for people and things, empathy and caring for others
- Shares and plays cooperatively with one or more children
- Participates in the activities of the class managing transitions smoothly
- Shows self-direction and appropriate control of feelings
- Interacts easily with adults seeking their help when needed to resolve conflict
Physical Development and Health
Gross Motor
- Demonstrates basic loco-motor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping)
- Shows balance while moving
- Climbs up and down
- Pedals and steers a tricycle (or other steered vehicle)
- Demonstrates throwing, kicking and catching skills
Fine Motor
- Controls small muscles in hands
- Coordinates eye-hand movement
- Uses tools for writing, drawing and cutting
- Becomes acquainted with healthy habits of eating, exercise, hygiene and basic concepts of body functioning
Language, Communication, Emergent Literacy
Listening Skills
- Demonstrates attention span is lengthening
- Gains meaning by listening and shows understanding by asking and answering questions
- Shows mastery of two-step direction
Speaking Skills
- Demonstrates speaking clearly to be understood by unfamiliar adult
- Uses age appropriate grammar in conversation and appropriate sentence structure
- Uses and continually develops age appropriate vocabulary
Reading Readiness (Emergent Reading)
- Shows motivation to read and alphabetic knowledge
- Produces letter sounds
- Demonstrates understanding of print concepts
Writing Readiness (Emergent Writing)
- Shows motivation to engage in written expression
- Uses letter-like shapes, symbols, and letters to convey meaning
- Writes own first and last name (upper and lowercase)
Math Skills
- Sorts and categorizes objectives into sub-groups
- Recognizes patterns and sequences and can duplicate them in varying lengths
- Recognizes and names numbers and begins to understand number one to one correspondence
- Recognizes ordinal numbers
- Recognizes shapes in the environment
- Understands positional words and special relationships
- Introduced to non-standard measurements
Science Skills
- Experiences the world through nature walks, gardening and other explorations
- Observes, investigates and questions the natural world
- Explores science tools: magnets, prisms, magnifying glasses, etc.
Social Studies
- Stories, toys and special guests provide opportunities for learning about families, other cultures, and an awareness of the world locally and globally
- Awareness of social and community roles
Art Experiences
Visual Arts
- Uses a variety of art materials for tactile experiences and exploration
- Explores a variety of art processes: painting, drawing, sculpting, weaving, etc.
- Participates in group music experiences using voice, and/or instruments
- Sings songs that enhance the curriculum, teach concepts, vocabulary and language acquisition
- Sings songs for fun using games and songs to express feelings
- Sings songs that help the children become aware of their musical heritage
- Plays instruments, listens to and sings songs that reflect cultural diversity
- Introduces music words—rhythm, beat, melody, steady, fast, slow, loud, soft
- Begins to be exposed to artists, composition, and performances
- Exercises to music
- Participates in activities using one’s body to express ideas, respond to music, and to convey feelings.
- Participates in dances that reflect cultural diversity
- Tells stories through actions, dialogue and music
- Participates in dramatizations that reflect cultural diversity
- Explores personal space and movement through space with the body in different ways
- Explores music concepts through movement – rhythm, tempo, dynamics, musical expression
- Awareness of how each body part moves
- Participates in activities with balls, other equipment, and games
- Opens, uses and exits software programs
- Uses mouse and keyboard
Fours students have an optional Picnic Pals program that begins after the regular school day. Children bring their own nutritious lunch. Enrichment activities after lunch will include music, movement, art, literacy and science.