Programs at WLPS are provided for 2, 3, and 4 year old children.
WLPS is a school which, at all chronological levels, believes and practices the important human growth and development educational principle of “developmentally appropriate education.” That is, regardless of what class your child is in, WLPS strives to achieve a Learning Match. Matching best practices, proven materials and appropriate activities to your child’s developmental level-social, physical, cognitive, and emotional. Be assured parents will be kept informed of needs and progress through formal and informal means.
This well planned WLPS curriculum consists of 9-10 thematic units per school year. These are school wide. Each class uses these units to plan delivery of the curriculum areas in a developmentally appropriate manner.
All WLPS classes follow the birth date guidelines used by Florida Public Schools for determining placement. Children will register for the age class that they will be on September 1 of each school year. Follow the link to the right for more information about the class for your child’s particular age.
We offer a special New 2’s class each January for those children whose second birthday falls after September 1 and whose parents feel they may be ready to attend a short class. The class meets once a week (usually Fridays) for 90 minutes and gives the children an opportunity to be exposed to the classroom and play with peers, setting the stage for the regular two year old class beginning that fall. Follow the link to the new twos for more information about this class.