3’s Classes

Class Schedule

Classes offered Hours
5 Days/week  Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
3 Days/week  Mon,Wed,Fri  or  Tues,Thurs,Fri 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2 Days/week  Mon,Wed  or  Tues,Thurs 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Optional Picnic Pals 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Tuition Info 2025-2026

Payment plan Days per week Amount Due
Ten pay plan due Aug 1 – May 1 2 Days / 3 Days / 5 Days 285 / 345 / 485
Late Enrollment, per month 2 Days / 3 Days / 5 Days 315 / 385 / 540
Semi-annual due Aug 1 and Jan 1 2 Days / 3 Days / 5 Days  1,400 / 1,700 / 2,400
Annual due Aug 1 2 Days / 3 Days / 5 Days 2,800 / 3,400 / 4,800

Picnic PAL Fee Info

One Day per Week Two Days Three Days Four Days Five Days
Monthly (Aug-May) 55 110 165 220 275
Late Enrollment, per month 60 120 180 240 300
Semi-annual 275 550 825 1,100 1,375
Annual 550 1,100 1,650 2,200 2,750
Drop-in Rate 25/Day

Click here for detailed tuition information

Curriculum and Activities

This program helps children to feel more confident as they begin to mature and become more independent.  Individual development is supported throughout the day with vocabulary and language expression, creativity and self help skills.

Encouraged movement activities include climbing, riding wheeled toys, walking backward, balancing and hopping on one foot, and running around obstacles.  Class time includes opportunities for creative movement, active games, and dancing.

Communication and language skills are developed during dramatic play and role playing situations, reading and listening to stories paying closer attention to the speaker in order to identify sequence and rhyming words.  Verbalization is encouraged through questions and answers that require functional and complete sentences with meaning.  Children will begin letter recognition related to their name and labeling objects.  Appropriate and grammatically correct language is modeled throughout the day.

Music is used daily in teaching all aspects of the curriculum.  Musical instruments are introduced to teach different sounds and to expose children to the music of different cultures.

Creative art experiences are provided using play dough, paint, glue, markers, finger paint and natural clay.  Children will learn basic color recognition, paper folding, and cutting skills are introduced.

Math concepts introduced this year include shape and number recognition, patterns and visual sequencing, shape and size differences, and spacial relationships (ie. long/short).  Manipulatives are used for hands on experiments in classifying and the calendar for counting.

Hands-on experiences with plants, animals, nature, and simple experiments encourage curiosity and wonder about the natural world.

Self care skills such as buttoning, washing hands and independent toileting are encouraged at this age.  Children are introduced to body parts. Healthy eating habits are emphasized during snack times with nutritious snacks which do not include added sugars, salts, or dyes.

Classroom skills develop with continued attention to courtesy and good manners, listening and learning to follow two part directions.  Sharing time allows for practice with communication and verbalization skills as well as cooperation within the group.

Threes students have an optional Picnic Pals program that begins with an extended school day from 12 to 12:30 pm then continues at 12:30 as Picnic Pals with the Fours.  Children bring their own nutritious lunch.  Enrichment activities after lunch will include music, movement, art, literacy and science.